viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

The Passive Voice for sentences with two objects and the causative form

The Passive Voice with two objects

In Spanish, only the Direct Object ("complemento directo") can be the subject of the passive voice. You can never use the Indirect Object ("complemento indirecto") as the subject of the passive voice.

El alumno le entregó la tarea al profesor --> La tarea fue entregada por el alumno

(you cannot say:   ***El profesor fue entregada la tarea***).

But in English, both objects can be the subject of the passive voice, as you can see in the example given in the grey box of page 73 of your textbook:

The vet gave the rabbits injections   --->  The rabbits were given injections
                                                          --->  Injections were given to the rabbits

Go to this link for a longer explanation:

And do this exercise:

The Causative Form 

This is the following structure:

Subject + Have or Get + Direct Object + Past Participle

For example:

I had my house painted last year (en español decimos "Pinté mi casa el año pasado", cuando en realidad queremos decir "Hice que alguien pintara mi casa")

Go to this link for a longer explanation:

And do this exersise:

Now go to Google Classroom for the next task.

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